Sachi's Musings
Astrological transits, spiritual advice, and more!
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Mercury Retrograde in Scorpius & Ophiuchus Star Systems
New Moon in Leo 9/2/24 aligned with Alioth in Ursa Major
Full Moon in Aquarius 8/19, Aligned with Gienah in Cygnus
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces - Spiritual Rethinking
Mercury Retrograde in Leo (8/23-9/15) “The Voice of the Ego”
Venus Retrograde (7/22/23 - 9/3/23) in Leo, Hydra, and Cancer
The Seven Emanations of Scorpio
The 13 House System: A Necessary System For Real Sky & True Sidereal Astrology
Sachi’s Interview w/ MysticMag
Mercury Retrograde (4/21-5/14)
Protection: Your Spiritual Foundation
Cleansing Your Aura & Space
Uranus in Aries (2019-2024): Scientific Psychological Warfare
Saturn in Aquarius (2023-2026) – Technological Society
Mercury in Sagittarius & Mercury Retrograde
Mars in Taurus & Mars Retrograde
Mercury in Virgo (8/21-11/3) & Mercury Retrograde in Uttara Phalguni & Purva Phalguni (9/9-10/2)
Jupiter Retrograde in Uttara Bhadrapada (7/28-11/23)
Neptune in Pisces (2022-2039): Delusion is Reality
Saturn Retrograde in Dhanistha & Shravana - Is the Ear-Drum of Society Working?