By: Sachi The Seer
IG, Twitter, YouTube: @SachiTheSeer
Once you begin to use the real sky for your astrological calculations, you are bound to notice that the Sun transits through the constellation Ophiuchus during our lifetime. Thus, Ophiuchus is a valid zodiac sign (since a zodiac sign is defined as a constellation that the Sun moves through) leading us to the 13-sign zodiacal wheel. Now it is time to use the only housing system that is appropriate for a 13-sign zodiacal wheel: the 13 House System.
[If you need to brush up on your information about Ophiuchus, you can do so with this article here: https://www.sachithescorpio.com/post/all-about-ophiuchus]
In this article, we will discuss what the 13-House System is, how it is calculated, and why it is the most appropriate Housing system to use for Real Sky / True Sidereal Astrology. We will examine what each of the Houses represent, and how the additional House changes the mainstream 12-House methodology. Additionally, we will touch up on how to use the "new" house in a chart.
Why 13 Houses?
Since Real/True Sky (and True Sidereal) Astrology has 13 signs, it follows logic to use a housing system to reflect this. Since all signs are attributed to an energy of the House that shares the same element and modality (for example, Aries being Cardinal Fire and the First House being Cardinal fire – thus making the 1st House linked to Aries energy, even if a person’s first house is not technically “ruled” by Aries), Ophiuchus deserves the same respect and space within a chart.
The 13-House system also allows Chiron (Ophiuchus’ ruling body) to be “home” in a House as well as in its home constellation, Ophiuchus. Allowing Chiron to have a home in a constellation and a House is essential for an individual's healing process and Chiron’s journey for the collective.
Since Ophiuchus is the healer, medicine (wo)man, and sharer of immortality, the House “devoted” to Ophiuchus share these common themes. But it is important to note that without a proper House devoted to healing, astrology is incomplete in its template to become our most healed self.
[Also - as a Chart Hacker, I help people become their best selves through the data points in their chart. And by utilizing the 13-House system, this goal becomes much more tangible and step-wise with a space devoted to healing and encompassing the alchemical Ophiuchan arts necessary for self-development.]
How Is The 13-House System Determined?
The 13-House system is just like that of the 12-House system, except the additional house is added between the 8th and 9th House of the traditional 12-House system – just like Ophiuchus is the 9th sign. I’ve made a diagram below for those who are more visual learners.

This pushes back the other Houses so that what was traditionally the 9th House (Mutable Fire House often ascribed to Sagittarian energy) is now the 10th. What was traditionally the 10th House (Cardinal Earth often ascribed to Capricornian energy) is now the 11th. What was traditionally the 11th House (Fixed Air often ascribed to Aquarian energy) is now 12th. And what was traditionally the 12th House (Mutable Water often ascribed to Piscean energy) is now the 13th House.
In a list form, the 13 House System, the energies are as follows:
First House: Cardinal Fire
Second House: Fixed Earth
Third House: Mutable Air
Fourth House: Cardinal Water
Fifth House: Fixed Fire
Sixth House: Mutable Earth
Seventh House: Cardinal Air
Eighth House: Fixed Water
Ninth House: Plasma Spirit (we will discuss this in the latter part of the article)
Tenth House: Mutable Fire
Eleventh House: Cardinal Earth
Twelfth House: Fixed Air
Thirteenth House: Mutable Water
This is similar to how (with the addition of Ophiuchus) Sagittarius is no longer the 9th sign – it’s the 10th, Capricorn is not the 10th sign – it’s the 11th, and so on. And, of course, this is because Ophiuchus’ constellation is situated betwixt Scorpius and Sagittarius making it the 9th sign of the zodiac.
Of course, the utilization of the 13 Housing system also changes the profection years and timelords, thus also becoming a way to timeline shift one’s reality. The new profection years are as follows:

How To Segment The 13 Houses
The 13th House system can be segmented based on spatial or temporal preferences. Personally, I believe using an Equal House system is most providential because it equalizes the elemental and modality energies within a chart that is not seen in the zodiacal ecliptic (since the constellation sizes differ for each sign.) Thus, an Equal 13-House system brings balanced energy flow of all elements to a person and allows them to utilize each of these Housed energies equally whilst understanding their code and/or chart hacking.
However, this is a personal preference and if anyone chooses a temporal housing system with the 13-Houses, it is respected as equally valid – as long as there is a House for the Ophiuchan healing arts, it is a superior chart in the face of the 12-House mainstream.
Additionally, I recommend using the Equal House System with the Ascension Point (ASC) marking the First House, as I personally believe the ascension process is the focal point of hacking one’s chart since it opens up higher dimensions of the Self. However, those that choose to use an Equal 13-House approach based on the Midheaven (MC) are considered just as valid.
The “New” Ninth House: That of Plasma & Spirit
Let’s review: In the 13 House System, the energies are as follows:
First House: Cardinal Fire
Second House: Fixed Earth
Third House: Mutable Air
Fourth House: Cardinal Water
Fifth House: Fixed Fire
Sixth House: Mutable Earth
Seventh House: Cardinal Air
Eighth House: Fixed Water
Ninth House: Plasma Spirit
Tenth House: Mutable Fire
Eleventh House: Cardinal Earth
Twelfth House: Fixed Air
Thirteenth House: Mutable Water
When we consider that the 12-sign zodiac has an order of 4 elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water) and 3 modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable), the thought of including Ophiuchus is disturbing to some astrologers and astrologists because it “messes up“ the clean-cut order of elements and modalities. Some believe that Ophiuchus becomes a Fire sign, pushing Sagittarius into Earth, Capricorn into Air, etc. However, this is not the case. If we consider Ophiuchus as a totally different element and modality, there are no issues with its incorporation. The same can be said with the addition of the 13th House (in the 9th House slot – it is a different element and modality altogether.)
Understanding Ophiuchus
Ophiuchus can be considered the element “Spirit” which is a widely accepted element throughout various spiritual, mystic, and esoteric schools of thought.
It follows logic that Ophiuchus would be the Spirit element considering healing can only take place of the spirit is able and willing. Additionally, the use of Ophiuchus itself is a matter of spiritual will/choice. We accept or reject the use of Ophiuchus, just as our own spirit accepts or rejects its own healing.
In terms of its modality, let us first review the common modalities: Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable.
Fixed: This modality has one direction and will not stop moving in this direction. When it hits a wall, it will continue to hit itself against that wall until the wall crumbles. A Fixed Sign does not divert from its one-way path. Fixed energy moves from point a to b on one axis only. (This can be considered a “solid” modality.)
Cardinal: This modality has a direction, but is able to move when things get in its way. It wants to go in one directions (a to b), but knows that it is necessary to move in another direction in the face of obstacles. Another way to put it: cardinal can move on both the x and y axes. When it hits a wall, it will decide to move around the wall or choose another path. A Cardinal Sign has a sense of the direction it wants to go to complete its goal, but knows it has to compromise its movements to reach its ultimate goal. (This can be considered a “liquid” modality - moving to the path of least resistance.)
Mutable: This modality has no particular direction, and moves in many directions. It moves based on its environment but does not like to be contained. When it hits walls, it bounces right off and moves in a completely different direction. It is highly adaptable and can change any moment. (This can be considered a “gas” modality.)
When we consider Ophiuchus is a different element than the rest of the zodiac, we can also rightfully assume that it is some other modality: its modality is Plasma. This is also the modality of the “new” 9th House.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter accepted by mainstream science, which now can easily be applied to the spiritual when understanding Ophiuchus. In physics, plasma is created when atoms or molecules have at least one orbital stripped of electrons, causing an electrical charge - which can be likened to a “gas of ions“ or a “soup of electrons and protons.”
Spiritually, electrically charged energy can be utilized for…just about anything. In spirituality, we use “the energy” or “the vibe” (aka the vibration of the ions) to describe its quality of its nature, essence, etc. (it’s hard to find a synonym for “energy” here). Considering Ophiuchus as Plasma follows logic considering that the way to utilize Spirit as an element is directly linked to the energetic charge that we hold, emit, receive, etc.
In biochemistry, plasma is the “fluid-like” portion of our lymph and blood. It carries salts and enzymes though our body (salts and enzymes have electrical charges), therefor controlling the energetic and electrical gradients within our bodies.
The quality of our plasma in our body is also directly associated with our health. After all, the lymphatic system (where lymph is) is a major player in our immune system and ridding our body of toxins. Plasma also helps transport the non-plasma part of our blood to necessary parts of the body: red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. The transport of RBCs is responsible for oxygen (air) distribution. Whereas WBCs and platelets are how we heal physically when we are injured (WBCs fight infection at the wound source and platelets help with blood clotting to stop us from bleeding out.)
Considering Ophiuchus as a Plasma sign also helps us tap into the innate healing ability of our spirit to work with our body to heal itself, and understand the power that our electrical charge, energy, or “vibe” has on our own ability to heal.
As the healer, shaman, and medicine (wo)man of the zodiac, Ophiuchus represents the Spirit within us all, its willingness to heal, and the body’s innate power to self-heal (biologically and spiritually.) As the sign that also represents immortality, Ophiuchus further characterizes Spirit, as the spirit is eternal energy that cannot be created or destroyed. When we utilize Ophiuchus’ essence in our lives, we connect with parts of ourselves that always have been and always will be. And this is the nature of the 9th House – that of Plasma Spirit.
Utilizing the 9th House
The 9th House, the House of Plasma Spirit, is the area of the chart that a person will look towards to understand where the deepest healing occurs in their lifetime. This is a part of their chart (along with wherever Ophiuchus is, and Chiron as a data point) where pain must be turned to power through alchemical processes. It is also the area that assists with kundalini control, integration of the 8th House Shadows, and transcending reptilian frequencies. The ruling sign of this House gives deeper information as to what area of life requires this deep healing, and the power one has to assist others on their healing journey. Additionally, the 9th House’s ruling sign may point to the area of the body that needs the most attention on their healing journey, and a kundalini energy point that can be used for healing others.
The sign that rules the Ninth House, as well as any planets or asteroids that may be there, can also point to various plant spirits that can assist a person on their journey. For example, it is auspicious for those with Venus in the 9th House to use plants, herbs, and flowers ascribed to Venus (such as Rose, Cacao, Hibiscus, Catnip, etc.) while it is recommended that someone with Scorpio ruling the 9th House utilize and grow plants such as Nettle Root, Black Dahlia, Horse Radish, etc. These herbal and floral inclinations can be considered remedies and allies to re-balance any issues with one’s spirit or plasmic field.
There is bound to be more ways to utilize the 9th House – of course, it houses the key to immortality… But the above is what I have gathered from my studies thus far. You are welcomed to add any aspects of the 9th House you find on your journey in the comments of this article. I also encourage to discuss this matter publicly on your platforms.
When To Use The 13 House System
When you are ready to become the most healed version of yourself and step into your true power and spiritual immortality, the 13 House System gives you the data points to do so. As with working with any chart, trust your intuitive body to guide you through the process. As a chart hacker, I experiment with various types of chart to achieve my (or my client’s) desired outcome – so there is no harm trying new things, even if your identity is tethered to a certain chart’s pattern. Utilizing the 13 House System will change your astrological code, and therefore will change the way you connect with yourself and our planetary and celestial siblings. So, you must have a willingness and a curiosity to see what this chart may look and feel like.
Try calculating your 13 House chart and see how it feels and notice the shifts – then take note of the changes in your reality and timeline. If this feels better for you, you will know it is time to make the change – either permanently or for a period of time (perhaps when alchemy and healing are a priority.)
Additionally, if you are interested in working with your 13-House chart with the assistance of a professional, I am at your service to create this chart for you and help you “hack” it so that you can become your most embodied, healed, and desired self. You can book with me here: www.sachithescorpio.com/shop
Stay In Love,